From time to time, Dr. Payne is asked questions such as the following:

"Are you the Dr. Philip Payne that's in the Martial Arts Hall of Fame?"

"Are you the Dr. Philip Payne that writes all those books?"

"Are you the Dr. Philip Payne who does the conservative candidate endorsements?"

"Are you the Dr. Philip Payne that makes all those weapons?"

"Are you the Dr. Philip Payne they named the bridge after?"

The answer to these questions are "Yes," "Yes again," "You guessed it," "Without a doubt" and "No, that guy was a dentist and philanthropist." To find the answers to even more questions concerning Dr. Payne, follow the links to the right, to read Dr. Payne's latest column, follow the link at the bottom of the page.

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The Lundeby Documents
Why Ashton should be free ...

It is the opinion on this citizen that the following documents prove the conspiracy between Ashton Lundeby's State appointed attorney, Mr. Robert Pruitt, and Assistant US Attorney Ken Hayes, in that they demonstrate the degree to which the former has compromised his client's rights in favor of the desire of the latter and that the latter has arranged to have his boss, US Attorney David Capp, to issue a press release coving the former's trail. This alone should constitute a mistrial and cause Ashton to be released, however, when viewed in light of the fact that he has been held in violation of the law for well over a year, it should be enough to enrage every freedom loving, patriotic American.

First, we must consider the press release issued by the office of US Attorney David Capp, denying any wrong doing on the part of either his office or that of Ashton's State appointed attorney Robert Truitt. This needs to then be carefully compared with Robert Truitt's sworn statement admitting that he did in fact wave Ashton's right to a speedy trial AND excluded Mrs. Lundeby from any and all decisions concerning her son's defense.

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